AIU will award up to six (6) individual scholarships throughout the 2017 calendar year to...
Final Announcement for EANGUS Scholarships with June 1st deadline
Scholarships with June 1st deadlines: Apply today! CSM Virgil Williams Scholarship Apply...
June 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points
FY18 Budget On Tuesday, May 23, the Administration released its Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) budget to...
University of Phoenix – EANGUS Scholarship Recipients
Three Recipients Selected for University of Phoenix Enlisted Association of the National Guard...
NEW: Scholarship Opportunity from WyoTech!
EANGUS*WyoTech Scholarship The EANGUS WyoTech Scholarship is an institutional...
Grantham Salutes EANGUS Scholarship
The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the National Guard (EANGUS) is partnering...
EANGUS New Patriot – Spring 2017
Spring 2017 Edition Features: Junior Enlisted Spotlight Legislative Workshop Higher Education...
From the CNGB: Military Association Support Letter
Miltary Association Support - Chief's letter 2017 : the new CNGB memo with valuable information...
American InterContinental University offers 6 scholarships to EANGUS Members
AIU will award up to six (6) individual scholarships throughout the 2017 calendar year to...
Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017
Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017 2017 House NGRCC Breakfast On Wednesday, March 8, The...