President’s Message
Matthew Payne
Thank you for your interest in the Enlisted National Guard Association of Alabama! If you are, have ever been, or are the family member of an Alabama Guardsman, this organization belongs to you. Every action we take is done with the Guardsman in mind.
Your support to this Association is essential to the continued improvement to the quality of life for our Soldiers and Airman. They and their families sacrifice for the greater good of their communities, State, and Country are debts which can never be fully repaid or assigned a value.
We need you to be successful. Whether it’s solely through membership or by serving on a variety of committees you can help us in achieving our goals. This is your platform to holding your leadership accountable.
Join us today and let your voice be heard. We have numerous opportunities throughout the year for you and your family to participate in. Contact your MACOM or Wing Representative to learn more.
Always Ready, Always There!!!
What does ENGAA/EANGUS do for YOU and your FAMILY?
We support our National Guard Service Members and their Families!

Education Benefits
YOUR organizations (ENGAA/EANGUS) provide yearly scholarships to their members and dependents. These scholarships range from Full-Tuition to Partial-Tuition. Scholarships range from selected schools and/or school of your choice. This is one of the many benefits your association has to offer its members and families.
2024 ENGAA Scholarship Winners
- Elizabeth F. Crawley – $1,500 (ENGAA)
- Madison S. Adams – $1,000 (USAA)
- Brantlee D. Wortham – $500 (Nashville Ready Mix)
- Morgan R. Adams – $1,000 (ENGAA)
- Jackson D. Harris – $750 (ENGAA)
- Alicia M. Haggins – $750 (ENGAA)
- Delaney M. Krause – $750 (ENGAA)
- Jackson A. Krause – $750 (ENGAA)
- Kandyce A. Rogers – $750 (ENGAA)
State Benefits
ENGAA has won many benefits for our active and retired personnel over the years. Specifically, we have enabled the National Guard to receive Insurance Benefits through our State Association, free automobile tags for Alabama residents who are active or retired, National Guard Education Benefits (ANGEAP), and scholarships through our state association.

Federal Benefits
EANGUS has secured and protected many benefits for the National Guard member and their families. The Legislative Priorities for the 2nd Session, 117th Congress are:
- Reserve Component Medical/TRICARE Expansion
- TRICARE Coverage with Early Retirement
- Tax Incentives for employers to hire NG Member
- Equity of benefits for NG under Duty Status Reform
- Retiree continued contributions to the TSP
- Equal Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for NG
- NG Retiree Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
- Improve Cyber Community
- Civilian Licenses / Military Training
- Space National Guard
- NG Counter Drug Program
- GI Bill Parity
- Army/Air Appropriation Request
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