Donate now to help National Guard Families affected by the Hurricanes

The impact of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian are being felt throughout Puerto Rico, Florida, and the entire southeast. The hurricanes and their associated storms and flooding have devastated the lives of Americans across the region. National Guard Soldiers and Airman are on duty and answering the call to help others in these areas, while many of their own homes and property were also affected. The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) is soliciting donations for the National Guard Relief Foundation so that we can help those National Guard members and families in need. We have already heard of at least a half dozen Soldiers in Puerto Rico who have lost their homes, and we’ve received grant applications from over 30 more Puerto Rico Soldiers and Airmen (so far) who need to replace basic household goods and food that was lost due to the damage and widespread power outages. With the most recent devastation that occurred across the State of Florida, we expect to receive a large number of grant applications from those Soldiers and Airmen over the next few weeks or more as they start their recovery process.
The National Guard Relief Foundation is here to help them; however, with the significant losses caused by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian and projected future needs, we are asking for your help. Please consider making a donation to the National Guard Relief Foundation to show your support for our Guard Family. All disaster relief donations received will be used to provide direct support to those in need. The EANGUS We Care for America / National Guard Relief Foundation is a 501c(3) charitable organization so your donation is tax-deductible.
Donations for our Disaster Relief Program are being accepted on our website using the button below or at
For more information about the National Guard Relief Foundation, or if you know of a National Guard member impacted by these hurricanes, another catastrophic situation or financial hardship, please refer them to our website at: Applications for grants and no-interest loans are being accepted now – eligibility criteria is shown on our website. Membership in EANGUS is not required to apply for assistance. Questions may be directed to
Thank you for your support!